
International Stock Exchanges

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The three major trading markets in the United States New York Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange American Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Nasdaq Exchange three major trading markets.

The following describes the New York Stock Exchange.
The New York Stock Exchange is the largest securities exchange in the world.
When the issuance of securities in the United States began, there was no centralised trading of securities, which took place in a caf and auction on 17 May 1792, when the "New York Stock Exchange Agreement" was signed on the northwest corner of the street in front of a caf” with 24 brokers and William's Chinese parasols on Wall Street in New York, which was The predecessor of the New York Stock Exchange.

In 1817, the Wall Street Stock Exchange had been so active that market participants set up the "Office of the Management of the New York Stock Exchange" to create a centralised stock exchange, which was renamed the New York Stock Exchange in 1863, a name that is still in use.

For more than 2,000 years, the New York Stock Exchange has played an important role in the development of the American economy, the smooth development of social mass production and the construction of a modern market economy. To date, the size of the National Stock Exchange remains the largest and most representative stock exchange in the United States, as well as the world's largest and most complete institution, well-equipped for management, strict, and has a significant impact on the world of economic stock exchange, the New York Stock Exchange, with about 2,800 companies listed worth 15 trillion dollars.

Because the New York Stock Exchange has a long history, so the market is more mature, the market conditions are more stringent, those companies that do not want to make money market financing cannot enter the New York Stock Exchange, and a long history of lucky 500 companies mostly listed on the New York Stock Exchange.