


Delta And Delta Risk of Options

When the price of the underlying falls, the call option loses value, but by how much? This discussion brings us to today's topic of option delta risk.


The International Gold Market

The gold market is a trading center where buyers and sellers concentrate on buying and selling gold, providing spot and forward transactions, allowing traders to carry out physical transactions or options futures trading to speculate or hedge, is an important part of the complete financial market system of each country.


Characteristics of Business Model Transformation of International Mainstream Commercial Banks

Since the late 1980s, in an increasingly stimulating international competitive environment, large mainstream international banks have consolidated their core businesses through targeted divestiture, outsourcing of non core businesses, and continuous expansion and mergers and acquisitions. Their business strategic positioning has changed from extensive all-round and diversified expansion to selective development of core businesses.


Introduction to exchange rate system

What is foreign exchange? In a narrow sense, foreign exchange originally refers to foreign currency. In a broad sense, it usually refers to the means of payment for international settlement expressed in foreign currency. Exchange rate is also called "foreign exchange market or exchange rate".

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