


What is stock index futures

The full name of stock index futures is stock price index futures, which can also be called stock price index futures and futures index. It refers to the standardized futures contract with stock price index as the subject matter. Both parties agree that the target index can be bought and sold according to the size of the stock price index determined in advance on a specific date in the future. As a type of futures trading, stock index futures trading and general commodity futures trading have basically the same characteristics and processes.


Introduction to liability business of commercial banks

Debt is a monetary debt that a bank is trusted to assume and will be paid by assets or capital. Deposits and derivative deposits are the main liabilities of banks, accounting for more than 80% of the source of funds. In addition, inter-bank deposits, interbank deposits, borrowed or borrowed money or issued bonds also constitute liabilities of banks.


What Is The Meaning Of a Financial Crisis?

A financial crisis is a persistent contradiction in the operation of activities related to money and capital, for example, a credit crisis in the cashing of bills, a currency crisis caused by a disconnect between buying and selling, etc.

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