


What is ETF Fund

The exchange traded open-end index fund, also known as Exchange Traded Funds ("ETF" for short), is an open-end fund that is listed on the exchange and has variable fund shares.


What Is a Fund Trading Account

A fund trading account is an account opened by a selling institution for an investor to record the movements and balances of fund shares bought and sold through that selling institution.


What is the net value of the fund

The net value of fund units is the net asset value of each fund unit, which is equal to the balance of the total assets of the fund minus the total liabilities divided by the total number of units issued by the fund. The subscription and redemption of open-ended funds are carried out at this price. The transaction price of closed-end funds is the market price that has been confirmed at the time of transaction; In contrast, the unit transaction price of open-ended funds depends on the net asset value of unit funds that are not known at the time of subscription and redemption (but can be calculated after the market closes on the day and announced on the next trading day).


The Basics Of Bonds

Shares are part of the ownership of a company's property and the holder of the shares is the shareholder.


Misconceptions About Investing In ETF Funds?

Many investors now have many misconceptions about ETF funds, which not only makes many people fearful in the investment process, but also increases investment risks. ETF funds are actually a kind of fund with relatively low market penetration, and customer participation itself is very limited.


What Are the Risks of The Stock Market

Stock market risk is the risk of not being able to sell a stock for more than the purchase price within a predetermined period of time, incurring a book loss or selling the stock for less than the purchase price, resulting in an actual loss.


What are the types of bonds

There are many kinds of bonds, which can be divided into many categories according to different standards

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